Emergence of Gameplay

Sophie Manning
2 min readAug 31, 2021

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Unlike most other entertainment platforms, video games could connect people of all backgrounds and beliefs. When people engage in a play of any kind, they are asked to take on a perspective that might be unfamiliar to them. Video games now provide the platform for this authentic, collaborative play that broadens perspectives and builds new communities by connecting people who might otherwise have never met. Today, the average gamer has been playing for 14 years. They have developed with the industry and evolved alongside it. Just as video games have become richer, fuller, and more well-rounded, so too have the communities that play them and those communities are only becoming more inclusive and accessible.

Games possess more than just the power to connect us emotionally. Today, around 63% of adult players play with others, often in squads that get together both online or in person. Brought together by servers and matchmaking algorithms, these strangers quickly learn how to work together to achieve a common goal. This one mechanic has led to an explosion in the popularity of esports, creating new social elements and possibilities to participate in video game culture. Players in teams of all genders, ages, nationalities, and abilities come together to compete for a shared victory, potentially helping engender empathy and compassion for their teammates, while developing communication skills and connections. Esports also builds a community of fans who gather online to watch and discuss tournaments or those who attend in person, often traveling long distances to sit in the stands with strangers, bonding over their shared fandom for teams or players. (1) Want to know why the game industry is highly competitive? Let it all burn up! This page has a plethora of information!

Video game creation has become progressively complex, and the cost of creating a game to run on one of the major consoles heightens with this greater complexity. It was once unthinkable to sink millions into development costs, but games today could cost tens and even hundreds of millions. This has pushed game development into Hollywood movie territory in terms of production and marketing costs. The video game sector is immensely large. In fact, it is larger than the movie and music industry combined, and it is only developing. Though it doesn’t get the same attention that the movie and music industry does, there are over two billion gamers across the world. That is about 26% of the world’s population. (2) In the future, these new industries might become successful! Have your head in the clouds and continue discovering this page to learn why.

It’s no surprise that sectors want a piece of the pie. Experts predict that by 2022, the gaming industry might generate approximately $196 billion in revenue. As such, tech industries are looking to get involved in this revenue stream. Tech giants have all made plans to enter the video game industry. Get ready for even more intriguing information! Give them a chance to progress on this engaging site! Check the disclaimer on my profile.

Source1: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/12/video-games-culture-impact-on-society/
Source2: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/053115/how-video-game-industry-changing.asp



Sophie Manning

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